Friday, June 25, 2010

The Jellybean's Closet

Dakota Fanning in Coraline: "Oh my twitchy, witchy girl, I think you are so nice; I give you bowls of porridge, I give you bowls of ice... cream! I give you lots of kisses, I give you lots of hugs, but I never give you sandwiches with grease and worms and mung... beans!" It's a silly little rhyme Coraline and her father sing. I watched the movie for the first time last month and couldn't get the rhyme out of my head for weeks. I ended up making one of my own: Oh my pretty, witty body, I'll dress you up so cool; I'll give you shoes from Prada, I'll give you gowns by Blue... Marine!
I'll style your hair with Blandi, and make you up with MAC, and you will never be without an Alexander Mc... Queen!
Notice that my version is written in future tense; my bank account isn't quite ready for the brands mentioned above. I'm just a regular 17-year old, so that's okay. I'll shop Prada when I'm ready. I'm Modupe Oloruntoba, designer of the future. Don't laugh, I'm serious. I know my name's a mouthful (hence my 'purple jellybean' alias), but trust me, one of these days you won't be able to forget it. I won't bore you now with an autobiography - I'm saving that for when I'm famous, but here are the basics: I'm a Nigerian about to finish high school in Umtata, South Africa, and 3 years ago, I found the creative outlet I'd been waiting for. I can't wait to get my degree in fashion... oh wait - I have to. I've been rejected by New York, Paris, and London fashion schools, all on the basis of maturity and readiness. So I'm going to spend the next few months proving (to myself and the colleges) that I am ready. And this blog is going to help. Welcome to Kas à la Jellybean, which, roughly translated, means The Jellybean's Closet.

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