Thursday, May 2, 2013

My first Ferragamo's! kinda.

Hope you all had a great break yesterday; I feel like I had a long weekend! Lazing around (productively) was awesome. :) 
I was clearing out my inbox this morning when this came in from Fashionista: customisable Ferragamo's! The Vara and Varina styles can now be custom designed - you pick the shoe colour, bow colour,  hardware, and stamp your initials onto the hardware on the sole. So I got busy and saw what my first pair of Ferragamo's will look like... when I can afford them in a year. Or 5. I'm coming for you Varina, I'm coming. [I would show you my designs, but I couldn't download them. Sadness.] Give it a whirl. It's fun.
Also, try and get some work done today; it doesn't feel like the penultimate day of the working week, but it is. Have a good one folks. :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Caught the penultimate Kirstenbosch gardens concert with some friends from RUCC Force - MiCasa baby!!! So much fun; got to go back next summer. Kirstenbosch is beautiful! 

Hanging with the Kaos Pilots above Truth coffee on Buitenkant street at last week's 100 in one day meeting. Had fun and got inspired! Clear your calendar for the 25th of May; big things are coming. :)
The handsome fellow in the maroon button-down is project leader Nick Arroyo. Quite a mind! 100 in one day is only one of the projects they are facilitating, so head down to Truth on Buitenkant and offer a hand if you'd like to get involved in some awesome community activation and empowerment projects, or if you're bored. Whichever.

Also spotted some interesting street art...

I finally went to neighborgoods! Hadn't been there in ages, so when a couple of my fellow salties suggested we head there, I jumped on board. As usual, Amazing food, and some pretty stylish people. Wish the last 2 had left their beer out of my style shots though. egh. :)